An Internet Kavanah

Oh God, I see now that email can really take over my life! What was I doing with all this time before the internet? Help me remember there are things in life like reading, art, poetry and walks in the woods. Guide me to relate well to the flesh and blood people in my life, not only what appears on the screen. Let me stay in awe of the technology that creates graphics, sound and words flying across my monitor. Grant me patience with spammers, knowing they are only trying make a living. Guide me to use this tool for the higher good of all and bless all the people who read this. Amen Selah!

Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy Shechinah ... what a ride ..."

May angelic beings guide your way today.


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or call 215-237-2955